From Strong Foundations - The Nelson McIntosh [Nelmac] Story

Project Brief

‘Nelmac’ – Nelson McIntosh – is an extraordinary man with a remarkable family. Many words and phrases have attempted to characterise this successful family man, bridge builder, businessman, sportsman and a Yackandandah man down to his bootlaces. ‘Enigma’ and ‘human juxtaposition’ are examples. For years Nelson was told by many people he met throughout his life that, “You must write a book and if you ever do, I would like a copy” and others, “When you do write it, I want the first copy.” Finally, his family arranged for the work to begin and this remarkable journey through Nelson’s life – 400 pages full of yarns, laughs, attitudes to life and lessons all readers can learn – was completed in 2022. Another two volumes at least are needed to fit in all the stories!

From the Client

A phone call with Nelson ‘Nelmac’ June 2023

“My son David came over last night and we got talking about the book. I have had a few comments. One person gave it 110 and of 100 and another 11 out of 10. I saw a bloke the other day and he told me he hadn’t slept for two nights. When I asked him why was that he said he had started reading my damn book and he couldn’t put it down. This book is turning up everywhere and people are telling me they have read it and loved it. I have cousins and people around the area all telling me they have read it or where they can get hold of a copy.”

Reader comments

“You have done a masterful job of grouping Nelmac's stories into chapters, and then so many chapters into a book.”

David Stratton, friend and colleague of Nelmac, 2022

“A wife reported that she had to wait for her husband to go to sleep so she could get a chance to read it.”

“Best dollars I have ever spent,” another commented.

Memoir WritingSimon Dalton